highlight secure fallsikringspluggen safety protection plug og varelager warranty and warehouse technical specification teknisk spesifikasjon

The fall protection plug, a strong permanent secondary barrier for light fixtures.

  • Efficient and safe fall protection of lighting fixtures and floodlights.
  • Easily installed in the light fixture’s strongest point in minutes.
  • Maintenance work does not affect the fall protection, it remains intact.
  • It could not be done any simpler or safer.

The fall protection safety plug is made of brass and are available in the following editions: -40°C to + 135°C. It comes in size M25 x 1.5 with 12mm or 17mm long threaded portion.

Technical specification

safety plug manual brukermanual

Safety plug manual

Read the specifications for the relevant light fixtures before mounting the safety plug and check that it is in accordance with the Ex certificate for the luminaire. Click on the link to download the safety plug manual.

highlight secure fallsikringspluggen safety protection plug og varelager warranty and warehouse technical specification teknisk spesifikasjon


Highlight Secure offers a range of safety products for electrical equipment. Click on the link below to download our scope of products listed in our warehouse.

Our products have the following certifications: ATEX, IECEx

Do you have any questions? Contact us.

sikkerhetsplugg med fem års warranty garanti


Highlight Secure provides a five year warranty against manufacturing and material defects on the following products; Safety Plug – SP25.

If the following conditions are fulfilled, Highlight Secure will either repair or replace the products listed above with a new fully functional product. This product warranty is valid from the date and applies for manufacturing and material defects if the products have been used/installed;

  • Purely in accordance with their intended purpose and application specification
  • Within the specified operational envelope, e.g. environment
  • In a professional and legal manner and in accordance with installation and maintenance instructions provided

The warranty does not cover, and explicitly excludes;

  • Any type of consequential loss
  • Failures due to exposure to extreme conditions beyond the control of Highlight Secure
  • Parts that need to be replaced due to normal wear and tear, e.g. O-ring and wire
  • Failures due to compatibility issues between the products and the installation environment
  • Products that have been modified or repaired by unauthorized entities
  • Normal maintenance and repair issues

Download full warranty specifications from the link below.

Our products have the following certifications: ATEX, IECEx

Do you have any questions? Contact us.

fall protection sikkerhetsplug declaration høydesikring


EC Declaration of confirmity ensures that the product is in accordance with the specific demands and guidelines listed in the document below. Click on the link below to download EC Declaration of confirmity.

Our products have the following certifications: ATEX, IECEx

Do you have any questions? Contact us.

highlight secure fallsikringspluggen safety protection plug og varelager warranty and warehouse technical specification teknisk spesifikasjon

Technical specification

The technical specification below provides detailed information about technical data, application, features and benefits, approvals and certifications.

Safety plugs are used as a secondary barrier for light fixtures and other electrical components that are mounted in height. It is mounted instead of a blanking plug and provides a solid mounting point for safety wire.

Our products have the following certifications: ATEX, IECEx

Do you have any questions? Contact us.

strain test strekk test Strekktest av sikringsplugg

Strain test

Safety plug H-SA-001, strain test. The following test was done 9th of april, 2015 by Jonny Tollefsbøl VP Metall AS. The picture on the left shows the layout of the certified tools used for secure strain testing.

Our products have the following certifications: ATEX, IECEx

Do you have any questions? Contact us.